Logo marque of The Joint Mathematical Council of the United Kingdom

The JMC is a council of participating and observing bodies which first met in 1963 to promote communication between the bodies and to promote mathematics and the improvement of the teaching of mathematics at all levels. It serves as a forum for discussion between societies and for making representations to government and other bodies and responses to their enquiries. It meets three times each year to enable updating, responses to issues and discussion between the bodies. The JMC also sets up working parties and groups to examine topics further as required.


Meeting of Mathematics Subject Associations Special Interest Group

Honorary Secretary
John Barton

MMSA is a meeting, held three times a year of the Association of Mathematics Education Teachers, the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, The Mathematical Association, the National Association for Numeracy and Mathematics in Colleges and the National Association of Mathematics Advisors, with representatives of the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education and the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics also attend. On 9 June 2017, MMSA became a Special Interest Group of the JMC.This committee organises and allocated bursaries for those attending the International Congress of Mathematics Education.


International Congresses of Mathematics Education Bursaries Committee

Paul Glaister

This committee organises and allocates bursaries for those attending the quadrennial International Congress of Mathematics Education (ICME). The next ICME is ICME-15 which will be held in Sydney, Australia from 7 to 14 July 2024.


British Congresses of Mathematics Education Committee

BCME is a joint conference organised by the JMC Participating Bodies. It is normally held every four years between ICME (International Congress on Mathematical Education) conferences. BCME provides an opportunity to promote mathematics and the improvement of the teaching of mathematics at all levels.

Following a prolonged gap due to Covid, it is intended to hold BCME10 around Easter 2025. An organising committee has been formed with Ed Southall and Ruth Trundley as co-chairs.

The following BCME conferences have been held:

BCME1 – University of Loughborough – 1991

BCME2 – University of Loughborough – 1993

BCME3 – Manchester Metropolitan University – 1995

BCME4 – Nene College Northampton – 1999

BCME5 – University of Keele – 2001

BCME6 – University of Warwick – 2005

BCME7 – University of Manchester – 2010

BCME8 – University of Nottingham – 2014
Formal Proceedings / Informal Proceedings

BCME9 – University of Warwick  – 2018
Formal Proceedings / Informal Proceedings


Giving to the JMC


If you wish to donate to the JMC, please contact the Treasurer.


The suggested form of wording for a pecunary legacy is: I give and bequeath unto The Joint Mathematical Council of the United Kingdom De Morgan House 57-58 Russell Square London WC1B 4HS (a charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales number 1171223) the sum of £… [amount in words] to be applied for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of The Joint Mathematical Council of the United Kingdom shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.

The suggested form of wording for a residuary legacy is: I give and bequeath unto The Joint Mathematical Council of the United Kingdom De Morgan House 57-58 Russell Square London WC1B 4HS (a charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales number 1171223) … [proportion of residue] to be applied for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of The Joint Mathematical Council of the United Kingdom shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.