JMC Logo Joint Mathematical Council of the United Kingdom


 Minutes of JMC Council Meeting

10th June 2004




Bernard Silverman           Chair
Sue Sanders                     Honorary Secretary
Adrian Oldknow                Honorary Treasurer


Dave Miller                        Association of Mathematics Education Teachers
Peter Lacey                      Association of Teachers of Mathematics
Ros Sutherland                 British Society for Research into Learning of Mathematics
June Barrow-Green          British Society for the History of Mathematics
Andrew Osbaldestin         Conference of Heads of Departments of Mathematical Sciences
Colin Campbell                 Edinburgh Mathematical Society
Lucy Allen                          Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Peter Saunders                London Mathematical Society
Bill Richardson                 Mathematical Association
Heather Cooke                 National Association of Mathematics Advisers Inspectors and
David Martin                     National Association for Numeracy and Mathematics in Colleges
Gerald Goodall                 Royal Statistical Society

Co-opted Members

Derek Woodrow    
Celia Hoyles                    Advisory Committee for Mathematics Education


Jeff Evans                       Adults Learning Mathematics
Nick Von Behr                Advisory Committee for Mathematics Education
Tony Holloway                Awdurdod Cymwysterau, Cwricwlwm ac Asesu Cymru, (The
                                         Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales)
Janet Dallas & Nicola Rutherford         DfES
Joe Kyle                          Learning and Teaching Support Network
Roger Porkess               Mathematics in Education and Industry
Lynn Churchman             Office of Standards in Education
Pam Wyllie                      Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
Nigel Thomas                  Royal Society
Margaret Brown              SMP
Linton Waters                 Strategies 

Teacher Training Agency not represented





1. Apologies




2. Welcome to new representatives

Andrew Osbaldestin acting as alternate for David Stirling

Heather Cooke acting as alternate for Gillian Thumpston

Pam Wyllie acting as alternate for Alice Onion

Linton Waters acting as alternate for Graham Smart

Nicola Rutherford in addition for DfES



3. Minutes of the meeting of 9th February 2004

Accepted after one correction in item 2 - removal of Mathematics Association



4. Matters arising from the minutes





5. Reports from Officers

i)          Chair

a.    Sue Sanders to act as Vice Chair in addition to Honorary Secretary with no constitutional change.

b.   Current thinking on proposed relationship between ACME and ACMRI is as two councils sitting side by side separated by a thin wall.

c.    Re T.E.S. article on perceived exclusion of ACME in current Government decision making.  There was a helpful discussion about how the Smith Inquiry is carried forward by DfES.

d.   The Royal Society (RS) has reviewed its policy on room bookings and we will have to pay from next year. The RS will consider an application from us for a grant to cover room charges for JMC meetings.  The RS is an ideal place for JMC meetings and we hope we will be able to continue to meet there.  As a contingency, we will explore other possible London venues.

ii)                Secretary – We had received two items of correspondence
      from the Teacher Training Agency that had been dealt with.

iii)              Treasurer – nothing to report










Officers to apply for grant

6. Working parties

i)          Request from NAMA

Proposal AMET, ATM, MA and NAMA should work together on the proposals concerning implementation of the recommendations of the Smith Report. In particular to consider the four main issues arising from the recommendations: pathways, CPD, incentives, and ways the National, Regional and local centres might be structured. Further that such collaborative working parties of the organisations might be initiated and co-ordinated through the good offices of JMC’

It was clarified that working groups would be open to other organisations within JMC. Some concern was expressed about JMC being seen to favour one working party and not other groups that had done much work in this area. The proposal was carried with the instruction to proceed, but with caution taking into account the concerns expressed.

ii)         Report from CPD Working Party

At an early stage. Adrian is arranging the first meeting (subsequently arranged for Monday 19 July 2004)


7. Report from ACME (Celia Hoyles)

i)          Evaluation Report

The report was completed by Dick Evans who was employed by The Gatsby Foundation. Items to work on include communication. ACME should remain independent.

ii)          New membership

Open call for two new members of ACME. Both from maintained sector. One from primary and one from secondary. Members of ACME are happy to chat with potential candidates

iii)        Progress with Assessment Report

Drafting in progress

iv)         Annual Report as submitted.



8. Members Item

Responses to questions previously raised.

David Martin to reformulate NANAMIC based questions to be answered in time for David to produce a discussion paper for the next Council Meeting.

IMA (Lucy Allen - report as submitted)


David Martin will formulate questions for all to answer for 1 October. David to produce discussion paper based on responses for November meeting

9. Standing Committees

i)          BCME report on planning for BCME 2005 (Joe Kyle). Report as submitted. Note: website address is

ii)         ICME Report on (Derek Woodrow)

a.      Funding for ICME 2004 – verbal report given.

b.     Proposal for UK to host ICME 12 – verbal report given

Celia Hoyles awarded The Hans Freudenthal Medal will honoured in ICME 10

Grants for ICME 10 – 26 and RS made an additional 5 teacher grants.

ICME 11 will be held in Mexico in 2008

ICME 12 held on another continent?


Joe Kyle to draft paper on future shape of BCME to include how often it meets and who owns it








10.  Higher Education (Peter Saunders) – verbal report given. Issues include closure of smaller Mathematics Departments and Bologna agreement implications for students having to pass every course.



11.  Teacher Education (Dave Miller) Unit of Resource for Initial Teacher Training. The report forms a basis for an increase in funding for Training of Teachers.



12.   JMC Website (Bill Richardson)

i)           Website up to date. The minutes are placed on the website.



13. Update on current developments

i)           TTA (Alf Brown - report as submitted)

ii)           QCA (Alice Onion – report as submitted)

iii)          ACCAC (Tony Holloway – report as submitted)

iv)          OFSTED (Lynn Churchman – report as submitted)

v)           NNS and KS3 Strategy (Graham Smart– report as submitted)



14. Dates of future meetings

i)           Tuesday 2nd November 2004 at 11:30 immediately following AGM at 11:00

ii)          Tuesday 8th February 2005 at 11:00 tbc

iii)         Thursday 9th June 2005 at 11:00 tbc

iv)         Tuesday 1st November 2005 at 11:30   immediately following AGM at 11:00 tbc


15. AOB

Lucy Allen will be leaving IMA in the summer.

 The council wishes to record their thanks to Lucy for all her work on the council and executive committee over the past few years.

 This was the last JMC meeting of Derek Woodrow. Resolution passed: ‘Thanks to Derek for his enormous contribution to JMC’.

 Sue Sanders was put forward by JMC to LMS for consideration as ICME representative.



Discussion items


Smith Report 

Recommendation 1.1 Mathematics ‘Czar’

Recommendation 1.2 Enhanced ACME role and funding implications


International Review of UK Research in Mathematics Report

Overview (Bernard Silverman)

Paragraph 2.1 Undergraduate Education: Mathematical Preparedness

Paragraph 2.2 Post-Graduate Education: Issues raised by the Bologna Declaration

 Bernard Silverman introduced this review and led discussion on 1.4 Training Mathematicians at UK Universities and 1.5 Public Appreciation of Mathematics.           




Bernard Silverman and Sue Sanders will write a joint letter on behalf of JMC to ministers in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland regarding
uptake of the Smith report in 'the territories'.


Bernard Silverman will write a two page summary of the International  Review for schools